
Are you a trans* person with some joy to share? We would love to feature your delightful experiences, projects, reflections, blurbs, doodles, jokes, comics, memes, you name it!

Each newsletter will contain a collage of trans joy submissions from the community. We encourage you to err on the side of imperfection and not worry about whether a submission is polished enough or “worthy” of being featured in a newsletter. If we need more information, we’ll reach out!

Submission guidelines:

  • Contributors must be trans* - cis allies are welcome to subscribe and support, but please do not submit directly to the newsletter.

  • Submissions should center joy. The interpretation of this is up to you, but please remember - there are so many other places that center the challenges of being trans. This is a place to celebrate, lift us up, and heal our nervous systems. Ask yourself - is my submission likely to make trans people smile, laugh, or feel uplifted in some way?

  • Try to keep submissions on the shorter side. Keep in mind this newsletter compilation will feature many different pieces - not the place for huge essays or 20-min videos. Links to more extensive pieces may be acceptable! If something is too long, we may edit it or publish a smaller portion of it.

  • Submissions will be generally be anonymous to protect contributors’ identities, unless you specifically want to be linked/credited. You are welcome to share the newsletter publicly and let others know that you took part, but we will not share your private information in any way.

  • Keeping anonymity in mind, please do not share any identifying information in your submission such as names, detailed locations, etc.

  • Feel free to submit multiple pieces or to more than one issue of the newsletter. We can’t promise we’ll publish everything, but joy is not a one-time event!

⭐ Please send submissions to: amplifytransjoy [at] gmail [dot] com ⭐

While we will do our best to include all of your lovely pieces, we reserve the right to decline submissions that violate our guidelines or otherwise aren’t the right fit for our newsletter.

*Inclusive term for all non-cis people - trans, nonbinary, genderqueer, two-spirit, intersex, questioning, etc. We do not gatekeep identities here. If you identify under the trans umbrella, you are welcome to submit to Amplify Trans Joy.