How can we amplify trans joy?

First thoughts and where this project is coming from.

This is a challenging epoch for trans folks in the U.S. Attacks on our community far predate the current administration, but now every day brings a new influx of defamation, negativity, and traumatizing headlines. Given the high levels of activation and vigilance already living in our bodies, I want to ask: How can we heal with joy, even in this time— no, especially in this time?

I am a trans writer currently living in the Pacific Northwest, and I have more questions than answers. I live with multiply-marginalized identities that don’t make it easy to speak up. But what I know is that I love us. I want us to not only survive, but bring our full-spectrum selves to the present and be remembered by history as lovers, life-bringers, creative souls, and creators of joy.

My special points of interest are trans and queer storytelling and offering resources to our community. I’ll try to center what I do on these things.

In the coming days, I will be experimenting with platforms, approaches, and ways to collaborate with others. If you want to get involved, please reach out! You can also send an email to amplifytransjoy [at] gmail [dot] com.


Got trans joy to share? See our contributor guidelines, or learn more about the project!